The Undergraduate Researchers presenting at the 2014 Poster Session are:
- Kristen Blagg, Transfer of Learning to STEM Disciplines: Perceptions of the Relevant of First-Year Writing for STEM Majors
- Georgiana Collins and Rachel Durrant, Embracing Difference and Individuality: Integrating Multiple Intelligence Theory in the Writing Center
- Tiara DeGuzman, An Experiment in Creative Writing
- Denae Dibrell, What’s the point of FYW? Transfer in College Students’ Writing from a Local Perspective
- Brynn Kairis, Jacquieline Manni, and Allison Scherer, The Global is Social: Exploring Worldwide English Literacy on a Socio-Local Scale
- Kim Lilienthal, The Writing Process and English Language Learners
- Philippe Meister, UW-L Diversity: Your Perspective
- RJ Mey, Writing Knowledge and Successful Academic Composition
- Megan Schoettler, Self-Deprecation in the Writing Center: Talking Back to ‘Bad Writers’
- Abigail Smoake, The Accessibility of Patient Education Materials
- Lena Stypeck, Expanding our Own Thinking: Using Mnemonics in the Tutoring Sessions
- Kyle Whitaker, The Academic and Self-Sponsored Writing Lives of High School Students