2022 Undergraduate Researcher Presentations

Liz Crouse, Elon University, More than an English Education: Community Colleges and English Language Learners during COVID-19

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Emree Jensen, Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC), The Perils for Autistic Students within Higher Education: Addressing Ableism within Sexual Assault Prevention Courses

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Stephanie Leow, Georgetown University, Types of Peer Feedback Training, the Feedback Provider, and Performance: Toward a Process/Product Perspective

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Christopher Longo, Goucher College, Centering Disability Justice: Writing Centers as Change Agents for their Institutions

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Brianna Lopez, Barry University, How Academic Identity is Linked to First-Year Students’ Ability to Effectively Write Academic Discourse

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Rowana Miller, University of Pennsylvania, Community and Collaborative Learning in First-Year Writing Seminars

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Jessica Moore, Savannah Ajlouny, Amanda Kent, and Lacey Lee, California State University, Sacramento, Finding The Right Social Media Platform: How Professionals Choose

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Sophie Morgan, York University, “Learn to Code”: How One Meme Reveals Coding Literacy’s Gatekeeping Powers

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Coleman Riggins, University of Nebraska Kearney, Gender Bias in English Academic Writing

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Jade Shields, Sam Houston State University, A Review of Rhetoric in Women’s Literature

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Kaitlyn Soto, University of California at Santa Barbara, Unsafe Passage: A Generational Story Of Vietnamese “Boat People”

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Ethan Voss, University of Minnesota, Distant Neighbors: First-Year Writing Instructors’ Definitions and (Mis)Conceptions of Student Writing Support (SWS)

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